Housing Authority of Baltimore City Energy Performance Contract

Through our master lease contract with the Baltimore City Government, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City entered into a $53 million 23-year Energy Performance Contract lease agreement.

The Authority financed the purchase and installation of energy conservation measures to realize economic growth through enhanced efficiency and reliability of their energy systems and infrastructure.

The Housing Authority of Baltimore City, the fifth largest public housing authority in the country serving approximately 23,000 households throughout the city of Baltimore, is estimated to achieve more than $87 million in savings over a 20 year period. And, the annual utility savings are projected to cover the debt service throughout the period.

Yellow Excavator at construction site.
Rowhouses on Franklin Square, in Baltimore, Maryland.

“As a leader in financing energy performance contracts, we were pleased to leverage our expertise within the Public Housing sector to finance one of the very first self-managed energy performance contracts. Being a Baltimore-based company, it is especially rewarding to work with a top five housing authority such as HABC on two distinct energy projects.” 

J.P. Grant, President of Grant Capital Management