Baltimore City Fleet Master Lease

The City of Baltimore leased over 1,500 vehicles through Grant Capital’s Master Lease Program. The program allowed the city to modernize its fleet, reduce the replacement backlog, and ultimately reduce the costs associated with vehicle ownership.

Based on the results of a comprehensive study into the replacement of vehicles recommended by Grant Capital, the City determined that it was facing a replacement backlog of approximately $125 million. Investment in fleet renewal has led to a reduction of the fleet replacement backlog by $25.5 million and an avoidance of more than $18 million in related maintenance and repair expenses.

The big payoff in the current fiscal year was the availability of $30 Million, previously allocated for the purchase of vehicles, to be reallocated into other priority projects.

Commercial fleet vans in row.
Fleet of cars in rows in parking lot.

“Had the Master Lease Program not been created, the replacement backlog today would be at or close to $200 million, 90% of the total value of the fleet.”

Steve Sharkey, Director of the Department of General Services